Tell Us Your Story!
To all Greek Community members: See what we have already done at - we hope you decide to add your story...
Fr. Matthew Penney and Presvytera Catherine Goodbye Lunch
On August 19th, we said farewell to Fr Matthew Penney and Presvytera Catherine with a big lunch hosted by both the community council and...
Goodbye Father Demetre, Hello Father Matthew!
A heartfelt goodbye to Father Demetre Mouselimis as he moves onto a new parish, and a warm welcome to our new priest, Father Matthew Penney!
Our May Newsletter and Mother's Day Photos!
The children of our Sunday School program which every mother a happy Mother's Day! See the gallery of photos below from our mother's day...
Youth National Assembly
YOUTH NATIONAL ASSEMBLY of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Canada Belleville, ON from May 26-28. The YOUTH NATIONAL ASSEMBLY is a great...
March Sunday School newsletter is up!
See the newsletter