Kingston Chapter
President: Marina Oikonomou
Vice President: Marie Wright
Recording Secretary: Eleni Zikovelis
Corresponding Secretary: Paraskevi Angelis
Treasurer: Maro Papadakis
Irene Gotsis
Eleni Zekios
Anna Bartzis
Pamela Mardicis
Fay Gkotsis
Margarita Daniil
Maria Bellousis
Mary Anagnostopoulos
Christina Panopoulos-Rowe
Nia Pakis
Advisor to the Board: Afro Ioannidis
As the name indicates the “Philoptochos” (Greek, for Friends of the Poor) is a women’s organization that practices Christian charity by helping those who need the spirit of fellowship and material assistance.
Philoptochos also aids people who are poor in spirit, poor in health, poor in emotional stability, poor in companionship, and those poor in whatever is needed to lead a fulfilling life. Philoptochos is the right arm of the Orthodox Community and is always prepared to assist whatever and whenever needed.
Philoptochos retains its Greek identity and nourishes its roots in the Greek Orthodox Church. It continually supports the use and teaching of the Greek language and promotes the Greek Orthodox Faith.
Membership is $25 per year

“Whatever you do for yourself dies with you. Whatever you do for others goes on forever.”
Let’s work together
Older members need compassion and faith to step aside and get younger members on the Board.
Younger members need compassion and respect for those who have given their life to Philoptochos.
Each needs to recognize and articulate the inherent and considerable value of the other.